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Our funds

A broad range to serve your investment needs and goals.

Asset Management at SEB offers a broad range of funds and tailored portfolio mandates to institutional investors, as well as retail and private banking customers.

Our Luxembourg funds

Would you like to know more about your possibilities regarding an investment in our funds? Get access to essential information including key information documents, fact sheets, prospectus, annual reports and more.
Man and woman running in the country side

Latest fund news

Follow what’s happening with our funds, including changes in investment strategies, fees, redesigns, mergers, liquidations and other fund events.

Good to know

Distribution matrix

Our funds are distributed in countries around the world. Would you like to know in which country a particular class is available to which type of investor?

Three people discussing in a coffee corner

Trading calendar for our funds

The trading calendar indicates when a fund is closed due to factors such as bank holidays in Luxembourg as well as holidays in countries in which the assets of a Luxembourg-domiciled fund have a major exposure.

Two people chatting cheerfully

Swing pricing

Swing pricing is designed to protect the unitholders’ investments in situations where substantial sums flow in or out of a sub-fund and the investment manager has to make adjustments.

Three people discussing at a table and in front of a screen

About Asset Management at SEB 

We have created fund solutions for private and institutional investors since 1978. Find out how we manage portfolios and our global asset allocation view.

Find out more

Our sustainability approach

By integrating sustainability into all our investment decisions, we can create value for our customers.

Learn how we work with sustainability

How we handle your data

We handle the information you entrust us with carefully and responsibly.

Read  our Data Protection Notice

Legal and regulatory information

At SEB, we issue a number of policies in line with regulatory requirements. For your convenience, you can find them via the below link. For further information, you are welcome to contact us.

Find out more

If you are not satisfied

Understanding your needs is essential to our goal of delivering world-class service. If you are not satisfied with a specific service or product, please contact us.

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Contact us

Phone: +352 26 23 25 95


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