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If you are not satisfied – customer complaints process

A woman sitting at a café in front of her computer

At Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Luxembourg Branch (SEB) we view customer complaints as an opportunity to continuously improve the quality of our services as well as our organisation and internal processes. We aim to satisfy our customers.

We have clear procedures and responsibilities for customer complaints to safeguard a consistent and customer focused handling. We endeavor to treat customer complaints fairly and diligently.

How to file a complaint

We have a two-step procedure in place to handle customer complaints.

  • First, if you are not satisfied with any information or service provided by us, please contact your dedicated client executive or relationship manager.
  • Second, if you are not satisfied with a response you received from your client executive or relationship manager, you can send your complaint to the attention of our Country Manager by e-mail or post using the following contact details:

    Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Luxembourg Branch
    Country Manager
    P.O. Box 487
    L-2014 Luxembourg
    E-mail: complaints@sebgroup.lu

Information and documents to be provided to SEB

Any complaint addressed to SEB must be submitted in writing and clearly indicate and include the following:

  • Customer name
  • Name of SEB contact person
  • Address/Phone number/E-mail address
  • Detailed description of the facts underlying the complaint
  • Any document(s) supporting the complaint

The more information you provide us with regarding when and with whom you have been in contact at SEB and the outcome of such contacts, the quicker and more efficiently will we be able to handle your complaint.

Our engagement

We will do our utmost to resolve your complaint promptly.

The receipt of your complaint will be acknowledged within ten (10) business days, unless we have by then already responded to the actual complaint.

We will gather and investigate all relevant evidence and information on your complaint and will provide a response to you in writing without undue delay and in any case, within one (1) month from the date of receipt of the complaint. If we cannot give you an answer within this period, we will inform you in writing of the reason for the delay and will indicate the date when we expect to be able to respond.

For payment services related complaints, we will reply to your complaint within fifteen (15) business days and, in case of exceptional circumstances beyond our control, this deadline may be extended to thirty-five (35) business days.

Contact the regulator – the CSSF

If you have not received a response or have received an unsatisfactory response from our Management within one (1) month, you have the possibility to file a request for an out-of-court complaint resolution procedure with the CSSF to the following address:

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
Département Juridique CC
283, Route d’Arlon L-1150 Luxembourg
Fax : (+352) 26 25 1 – 2601
E-mail: reclamation@cssf.lu

More details concerning the out-of-court complaint resolution procedure are available on the CSSF website:

If you decide to apply the above procedure with the CSSF, we commit to cooperate with the CSSF to help resolve the complaint.

Contact the Ombudsman Office – for Switzerland residents only

As a Switzerland resident, if you have not received a response or have received an unsatisfactory response from our Management within one (1) month, you have the possibility to initiate mediation proceedings in accordance with art. 74 of the Financial Services Act (FinSA) before the Ombudsman Office to which we are affiliated:

Financial Services Ombudsman
Avenue de la Gare 45
1920 Martigny

The mediation procedure will be governed by the Ombudsman Office’s rules in force at the time the request for mediation is submitted. The mediation will be conducted in English.

If you and we accept the recommendations of the Ombudsman Office or otherwise reach agreement on the resolution of the dispute, such agreement will be recorded in writing. It will be binding on us once it is signed by duly authorized representatives.

If the dispute has not been fully resolved by mediation within 150 days from the date the request for mediation was submitted in accordance with the Ombudsman Office’s rules, the dispute shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Luxembourg.