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SEB Strategy Fund hedged classes

We wish to inform unitholders of SEB Strategy Fund that changes will be made in the sub funds listed below, as of 19 February 2015.

We wish to inform unitholders of SEB Strategy Fund that changes will be made in the sub funds listed below, as of 19 February 2015.

Fully hedged, name change
The existing C (EUR) unit class will be fully hedged and the name of the unit class will be changed to C (H-EUR). The following sub funds are affected:

SEB Strategy Balanced, LU0660786715
SEB Strategy Defensive, LU0486618746
SEB Strategy Growth, LU0660787010
SEB Strategy Opportunity, LU0660786806

Level of leverage
Additionally, we adjusted a section of the prospectus to clarify the level of leverage in the fund.

The new text is as follows: “Based on the sum of the notional approach (which defines the leverage as the sum of the absolute value of the notional of all financial derivative instruments in the Sub-Fund’s portfolio), the Sub-Fund’s maximum expected level of leverage is 200% of the Sub-Fund’s Net Asset Value. As a result of its long-term volatility target, the Sub-Fund's level of leverage may possibly be higher in a low market volatility environment.”

Unitholders do not need to take any action in relation to the changes described here. Product documentation for SEB Strategy Funds, including the above mentioned changes, will be available as of 19 February 2015 on www.sebgroup.lu and upon request at the registered office of the Management Company.

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