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SEB SICAV 3 – SEB Asset Selection Defensive: upcoming changes in October 2018

We wish to inform shareholders that we plan to make changes in the sub fund SEB SICAV 3 – SEB Asset Selection Defensive such as changes in the investment strategy and a new name, SEB SICAV 3 – SEB Diversified V8, to reflect the investment strategy. The changes will be implemented 1 October 2018.

You as a shareholder are not required to take any action. However, if you do not wish to remain invested due to the changes described in the attached pdf, you may redeem your shares in the sub fund free of charge, but you must do this by 15:30 (CET) 28 September 2018. Click on the pdf, below, for complete information regarding the changes.

Notice to SEB Asset Selection Defensive investors Aug2018.pdf

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