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SEB Fund 3 – SEB Pension Funds changes in March 2019

We wish to inform you that we will make the following change in SEB Fund 3 – SEB Pension Fund, SEB Fund 3 – SEB Pension Fund Plus and SEB Fund 3 – SEB Pension Fund Extra (together, the sub funds), effective as of 15 March 2019. 

Removal of investment restriction from the investment strategy of the sub-funds:
The following sentence will be deleted from the respective supplements of the sub funds: “The Sub-Fund will not invest in asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities.”

It will be replaced with: “The Sub-Fund may indirectly invest in asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities up to 10% of the Sub-Fund’s total net asset value. Such indirect exposure will be achieved in particular through investments in other UCITS and UCIs that may have up to 100% exposure to asset-backed securities and/or mortgage-backed securities themselves, within the limits laid down in article 41 (1) (e) of the Law.”

To reflect the removal of this investment restriction from the investment strategy of each of the sub-funds, with the purpose of allowing for a wider scope of investment opportunities. Except from the above change, the investment strategy of each of the sub-funds remains unchanged.

You are not required to take action due to such change, but it is important that you as an investor understand it. If you do not wish to remain invested in any of the sub funds, you may redeem your units free of charge by cut-off time on 12 March 2019.

Updated product documentation, including the prospectus dated March 2019, will be available on www.sebgroup.lu and can also be requested from our registered office.

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