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SEB Fund 1 – SEB Europe Index Fund, SEB Fund 3 – SEB US Index Fund changes August 2020

We plan to make changes in SEB Fund 1 – SEB Europe Index Fund and SEB Fund 3 – SEB US Index Fund as of 21 August 2020.

These includes changes in the respective sub funds’ benchmark references and names as well as investment objective and policy. Both sub funds continue to be passively managed.

Kindly read the attached information for more details.

Notices SEB Europe Index Fund, SEB Fund 3 - SEB US Index Fund

KIID SEB Sustainable US Exposure Fund C (USD)

KIID SEB Sustainable Europe Exposure Fund C (EUR)


SEB Investment Management AB, Luxembourg branch 


Past performance does not guarantee future performance. The value of investment funds and other financial instruments may rise as well as fall and there is no guarantee you will recover your original investment. Key investor information documents and prospectuses are available on www.sebgroup.lu/funds.

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