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SEB Credit Opportunity III: dividends and maturity

We distributed dividends, 5% per unit, for the fund SEB Credit Opportunity III on 23 March 2016. The dividend should reach the unitholders' accounts in a few business days.

We distributed dividends, 5% per unit, for the fund SEB Credit Opportunity III on 23 March 2016. The dividend should reach the unitholders' accounts in a few business days.

SEB Credit Opportunity III’s distributing unit classes are:
SEB Credit Opportunity III, HNWD SEK
ISIN: LU0739642618

SEB Credit Opportunity III, ID SEK
ISIN: LU0739642964

SEB Credit Opportunity III, HNWD H EUR
ISIN: LU073 9643186

Reaches maturity and closes in late March
SEB Credit Opportunity III, including its active unit classes, reached maturity 31 March 2016. As of this date, we liquidate the portfolio, dissolve the fund and distribute the proceeds to unitholders. The fund’s last net asset value is calculated as per 31 March 2016.

We plan to start distribution of the final payment of proceeds from the fund 5 April 2016. Note that it can take a few business days before payments reach the accounts of unitholders.

SEB Credit Opportunity III’s active unit classes include the distributing unit classes listed above, and the capitalising unit classes listed below:

SEB Credit Opportunity III, HNWC (SEK)
ISIN: LU0739642535

SEB Credit Opportunity III, IC (SEK)
ISIN: LU0739642709

SEB Credit Opportunity III, HNWC (H-EUR)
ISIN: LU0739643004

SEB Credit Opportunity III, IC (H-EUR)
ISIN: LU0739643343

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