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SEB Alternative Strategies SICAV – SEB Industrial Opportunities: new HNW share classes

Four new share classes in the equity fund SEB Alternative Strategies SICAV – SEB Industrial Opportunities are now available.

Four new share classes in SEB Alternative Strategies SICAV – SEB Industrial Opportunities will be launched 18 November 2015. This equity fund invests primarily in listed companies that have a significant minority ownership by a private equity firm that aims to implement substantial operational and strategic improvements.

SEB Alternative Strategies SICAV – SEB Industrial Opportunities was launched 29 September 2015 and the launch included four institutional share classes. The fund is an Alternative Investment Fund, AIF, therefore it can be marketed to retails investors only when approvals from the relevant local authorities are received.

On 18 November 2015 the following share classes will be launched in Sweden and Finland:
HNWC (H-SEK) LU1242470711
HNWC2 (H-SEK) LU1242471362
HNWC (H-EUR) LU1242470554
HNWC2 (H-EUR) LU1242471107

Please note that the closest/next cut-off time is 15:30 (CET) on 30 November 2015 for 30 December 2015 as a trade date.

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