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New name and sustainability criteria for SEB ÖkoLux

We wish to inform unitholders of SEB ÖkoLux (the “Fund”), class C (EUR), LU0036592839, that several changes will be implemented as of 27 April 2017. Unitholders are not required to take any action.

The following changes are valid as of the implementation date:

1. The Fund will follow the ethical and sustainability principles as set by SEB Investment Man-agement AB (the “Management Company”). To achieve this goal, the Fund will use both positive and negative screening. Positive screening aims to identify companies that contribute to a sustainable environmental development. Negative screening means the Fund will not invest in companies that do not meet the sustainability and ethical standards which are described below:

- The Fund will not invest in companies that produce or sell weapons that breach international conventions regarding weapons such as cluster bombs, landmines, chemical and biological weapons, which are all controversial weapons. Additionally, the Fund will not invest in companies that participate in the development of nuclear weapon programmes or produce nuclear weapons.
- The Fund will not invest in companies where more than five percent of the company's turnover comes from the production of alcoholic beverages and/or tobacco products, the production and/or active distribution of pornography, the production and/or sales of weapons or from commercial gambling.
- The Fund will not invest in companies that have verifiably breached international norms regarding labour legislation, anti-corruption, the environment and human rights.
- The Fund will not invest in companies that are involved in coal, gas, and/or oil exploration and extraction.

2. The Fund’s name will change to SEB Sustainability Fund Global to reflect the abovementioned investment strategy.

3. The risk measurement method of the Fund changes from value at risk to commitment method. Based on the fund investment strategies the commitment method is considered to be more appropriate method while calculating the global exposure of the Fund.

4. The Fund will not make use of warrants.

5. The Fund will not be involved in securities financing transactions within the meaning of Reg-ulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015.

6. The maximum subscription fee of the unit class C (EUR), LU0036592839 will increase from 4.5 percent to 5 percent.

7. The new financial year will take effect 1 May 2017. This means the financial year starting on that date will end 31 December 2017. As of January 2018, the Fund’s financial year starts 1 January and ends 31 December the same year.
The gradual change of the financial year will be reflected in the following financial reports:
- annual report on 30.04.2017 pertaining to the financial year from 1.5.2016 to 30.04.2017.
- semi-annual (non-audited) report on 30.06.2017 pertaining to the financial period from 1.05.2017 to 30.06.2017.
- annual report on 31.12.2017 pertaining to the financial period from 1.05.2017 to 31.12.2017.
- As from 1.01.2018 the semi-annual (non-audited) report will be issued on 30.June and the annual report will be issued on 31.December.

The fees related to the issuance of the additional financial report of 30.06.2017, due to gradual change of the financial year of the Fund, will be borne by the Management Company.

8. The updated prospectus of the Fund will also include some clarifications and minor updates.

Additional information
If you do not wish to remain invested in the Fund due to the changes described in this notice under the point 1, 4 and 6 you may redeem your units in the Fund, free of charge, but you must do this by 27 April 2017.
Product documentation of SEB Sustainability Fund Global, including the changes described here, will be available on 27 April 2017 at www.sebgroup.lu and, on request, at the registered office of the Man-agement Company.

SEB Investment Management AB, Luxembourg branch



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