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SEB Alternative Investment – SEB Key Hedge: shorter redemption cycle and more

SEB Asset Management SA, the management company, plans a number of changes in SEB Alternative Investment - SEB Key Hedge and seven of its unit classes. The changes include a new name - SEB Hedge, lower maximum management, subscription and redemption fees as well as new mini-mum investment amounts, a substantially shorter redemption cycle, as well as a higher risk and return profile.

The new redemption cycle, which takes effect after cut-off time (15:30 CET) on 18 December, is one month + five days (previous cycle: three months + five days).

For details regarding the changes per unit class, kindly see the attached pdf.
SEB Key Hedge is a sub-fund within the umbrella fund, SEB Alternative Investment.

Effect on customers – shorter redemption cycle
Customers are not required to take any action. However, when you wish to sell units, you should be aware that the new redemption cycle is much shorter than the previous cycle.

Previous redemption cycle: transactions NAV valuation
After 15:30 on 24 October to 15:30 on 23 November 2012 28 February 2013
After 15:30 on 23 November to 15:30 on 18 December 2012 29 March 2013
New redemption cycle: transactions within following dates... Receive NAV valuation on following dates:
After 15:30 on 18 December 2012 to
15:30 on 24 January 2013
28 February 2013

Higher risk and return profile
The fund and its seven unit classes will also have a higher risk and return profile. Note that a higher risk and return profile aims to achieve but cannot guarantee higher returns.

In addition, the fund management team also aims to maintain a higher level of liquid assets. The investment objective in the prospectus will not change. The fund will remain within the investment restrictions of the current prospectus.

Dates to keep in mind

  • 1 December 2012: Changes become valid including new name, lower fees and charges, higher risk level (see attached pdf for details)
  • 3 December 2012: New product documentation for the fund and its unit classes is available on www.seb.se and www.sebgroup.lu
  • 18 December 2012, as of 15:30 (CET): New, shorter redemption cycle is valid
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