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Merger of Finland-domiciled SEB US Exposure Fund into Luxembourg-domiciled SEB US Exposure Fund finalized

The merger of Finland-domiciled SEB European Exposure Fund, with Luxembourg-domiciled SEB Fund 1 - SEB Europe Exposure Fund took effect 10 December 2021.

Finland-domiciled SEB European Exposure Fund no longer exists. Customers who had investments in the  Finland-domiciled SEB European Exposure Fund are encouraged to read the information about the merger published on this website 28 October 2021. 

SEB Fund 3 - SEB US Exposure Fund unit classes:

D (USD) LU0047323166
C (USD) LU0268529194
IC P (SEK)  LU1058765303
IC (USD) LU1445748855
C (H-SEK)  LU1548801270
C (EUR)  LU2360842640
D (EUR)  LU2360842723
IC (EUR)  LU2360842996
ID (EUR) LU2360843705


Past performance does not guarantee future performance. The value of investment funds and other financial instruments may rise as well as fall and there is no guarantee you will recover your original investment. Key investor information document and prospectus are available on www.sebgroup.lu/funds.

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