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RTS28 – Execution Quality Reports

Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II) requires investment firms who execute client orders to summarize and make public on an annual basis, for each class of financial instruments, the top five execution venues and the top five brokers, in terms of trading volumes where they executed client orders in the preceding year and information on the quality of execution obtained (art. 27.6). The reports are required to be published latest by April 30 each year, addressing transactions executed during the preceding year. These reports are available below for downloading.

More detailed information on content and format of the reports to be published is defined in the delegated regulation with regulatory technical standards for the annual publication by investment firms of information on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (RTS 28). The technical format, chosen by SEB AB, is XML.


Due to technical limitations SEB will not be able to provide complete information about the proportion of aggressive and passive orders.

Download reports

RTS28 reports for Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ), Luxembourg Branch, can be downloaded below.

RTS 28 – Execution Quality Reports

Reporting period: 2022

For "SEB's" Order Execution Policy which describes the principles that we follow when we execute clients orders, please see Order_Execution_Policy

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