Private Wealth Management & Family Office in Luxembourg

SEB in Luxembourg serves as the Group's cross-border centre of excellence for Private Wealth Management for Nordic nationals living abroad.
Luxembourg is an important financial centre with a robust fund industry and a strong tradition in private banking and wealth management. A stable geo-political environment, strong regulatory oversight and a broad range of services attract clients from all over the world.
Contact us
Jonas Bergqvist
Head of Coverage Luxembourg
+352 26 23 1
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ), Luxembourg Branch
4, rue Peternelchen, L-2370 Howald
P.O. Box 487, L-2014 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg B39819
Visiting address:
Royal Park
29, Avenue de la Porte-Neuve
L-2227 Luxembourg
Related information
Deposit and investor protection
Deposit guarantee and investor protection schemes protect the customers in case of their bank's failure.
Switching payment accounts in Luxembourg
This guide provides you with information on how to easily transfer recurring payments (credit transfers, direct debits and standing orders) linked to your payment account from one bank established in Luxembourg to a payment account at another bank established in Luxembourg. You can ask your new bank to initiate and manage said transfer without taking any action towards your old bank yourself.
If you are not satisfied – customer complaints process
We have clear procedures and responsibilities for customer complaints to safeguard a consistent and customer focused handling.