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Our role in society

Woman having a coffee looking out the window at a café

We provide the necessary infrastructure for society to function. Through our products and services, we promote economic growth, social value and prosperity. And by supporting our customers and engaging in the societies where we operate, we drive progress and transformation, and facilitate the transition to a low-carbon future.

Corporate citizenship 

We are committed to enabling progress of society, and we always strive to take an active part in building for the future. We do this by enabling financing, investments, savings and payments – for households and businesses. In addition, we instigate, support and sponsor initiatives that create social value. 

Read more about corporate citizenship (sebgroup.com)

Sustainable perspective

We have a strong ambition to contribute to sustainable growth and to make a difference to our customers, staff and the society at large.

Read more about sustainability at SEB


Code of conduct

The Code of Conduct describes SEB’s way of working and guides us in our business relationships. The Code helps employees in their efforts to build long lasting relationships with customers and other stakeholders. All SEB employees are responsible for adhering to the content of this document and for asking for guidance when necessary.

Read more about our code of conduct

Active ownership

As one of the Nordic region's largest asset managers, it is our responsibility to act long-term and as active owners. A key aspect of our sustainability work is our active ownership. The purpose of our active ownership is to safeguard our customers' interests in ownership issues and to influence the companies in which we invest in their sustainability work.

This is how we exercise active ownership

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